Monday, August 24, 2015

Preventative Dental Care

Address Decay Earlier with the Laser Scanner

Have you experienced this situation – you went to the dentist just six months ago, and your check-up was cavity free. And now at your next appointment, the dentist tells you that you have a rather large cavity. Are you wondering why there was no sign of it just six months earlier? The cavity was already there, it just wasn't large enough to be apparent on X-rays or with visual inspection. To remedy this problem, our dentists use the Laser Scanner to detect cavities in the beginning stages. This scanner also clearly identifies the problem in response to patients complaining of pain or tooth sensitivity. In the past, sometimes this pain was mistaken for root decay instead of tooth decay. Once identified, suitable treatment with a very small filling can restore the tooth to keep most of the natural tooth structure intact and healthy.

Carolinas Dental Center  
428 North Trade Street, Suite 101  
Matthews, NC 28015  
(704) 278-8008

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